Huwebes, Hunyo 21, 2012

Grey's Anatomy 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' Review

This episode was titled ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’. It has been close to a month since a new episode came up. The last time they came on air Owen made a big reveal when he told Cristina that he had been unfaithful. The episode catches on a week after this revelation was made.

But right from the start it looked like here was just not enough time. It is like so much is being crammed into each episode. There were relationship issues going on with three pairs and about three medical cases. And there was a lion thrown into the mix.

A patient got mauled by his girlfriends pet. She had told him that she had a pet cat but omitted the part of it being a lion. And there he was feeling bad about himself and the ungrateful girlfriend somehow blaming him for everything. It was a good thing he broke up with her immediately.

The same lion caused an aged man to have a heart attack. And he needed surgery to save him. He had been married for fifty years and the wife implored Teddy to save her husband. She did and was telling the wife the good news when she discovered that she was dead. She had died on the couch. She goes back to break the news to the husband and that was what really broke the camel’s back for her because she had been in a state of denial about being a widow.

Morgan has had a crush on Alex for some time now but he had only recently found out. His reaction was to flee the area and he made sure he got reassigned as he kept on ignoring Morgan’s text Morgan finds herself in a dilemma and seeks him out but he gave a somewhat stupid speech about not being her boyfriend or the patient’s father and that she should do what she feels is right.

After witnessing the rather long goodbye hug between Arizona and a nurse that was leaving, Callie begins to worry over how many people in the hospital she might have dated before her. This story seemed to be going in circles because in the end she never found out anything and did not want to as they made up without there being a quarrel in the first place.

As for Owen and Cristina, she had blocked him out after his confession and Owen went to Meredith to try and talk through to her. Meredith was livid when he made it look as if being unfaithful was nothing but told him that she could do nothing now because Cristina had not told her anything. Owen looked at it as if it was a good thing because he felt that she will probably forgive him and they would make up since she had not even told her sister. Cristina threw her cereal bowl at him and by the look of things this is just the beginning.




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